What is futureme.org? It is a very simple idea, a site where you register your email address and can enter messages in email format which will be emailed to your chosen account at some future date. The date must be more than six months in the future, it is not a reminder or diary site after all. I find it a good exampleof a very simple idea which has a simple, but popular appeal.
All the best ideas probably are simple ones, and this is a good example.
This post is also the last I have to make for this blog to successfully complete NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) which I have ambitiously undertaken for two blogs at the same time as doing NaNoWriMo (National Noven Writing Month). It's been fun, but (unless there is a massive outcry of comments insiting otherwise and offering bribes) from here on in posts will be less often than daily!